How to Find ASCII Value of Character in Dart

ASCII, or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication.

It represents text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices that use text. In Dart programming, understanding and working with ASCII values is fundamental, especially when dealing with string manipulation, data encoding, and communication protocols.

Understanding ASCII in Dart

  • What is ASCII? ASCII is a character-encoding scheme originally based on the English alphabet. It encodes 128 specified characters into seven-bit integers. These characters include letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a variety of control characters. Each character is assigned a unique number, known as an ASCII code. For example, the ASCII code for ‘A’ is 65, and for ‘a’ is 97.
  • The Significance of ASCII Values in Dart In Dart, ASCII values are integral when you’re handling strings and characters, especially when you need to perform operations like sorting, converting cases, or even implementing custom encryption mechanisms. Understanding ASCII values allows you to manipulate these characters more effectively and understand the underlying data representation.

Setting Up for ASCII Value Retrieval in Dart

  • Quick Setup Instructions for a Dart Environment To start working with Dart, you need to have the Dart SDK installed on your system. You can download it from the official Dart website. Once installed, you can use any text editor or IDE like Visual Studio Code or Android Studio for writing Dart scripts.
  • Preparing a Basic Dart Script for Experimentation Once your Dart environment is set up, you can create a simple Dart script to experiment with ASCII values. Here’s a basic template:
void main() {
  // Your Dart code will go here.

In this script, the main() function serves as the entry point for execution. You can add your code inside this function to explore ASCII values and their manipulation in Dart.

Retrieving ASCII Values

Retrieving ASCII values of characters in Dart is a straightforward process, but understanding the nuances can make your coding more efficient. Let’s go through a step-by-step guide with detailed code examples and explanations.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify the Character: First, you need to identify the character for which you want to find the ASCII value. In Dart, characters are represented as strings of length one.
  2. Use Dart’s String Properties: Dart provides an easy way to retrieve the ASCII value of a character through its string representation.
  3. Extract ASCII Value: You can use the codeUnitAt method to get the ASCII value. This method returns the 16-bit UTF-16 code unit at the given index.

Code Examples and Explanations

Here’s an example of how to find the ASCII value of a character in Dart:

void main() {
  String character = 'A'; // Character to find the ASCII value for
  int asciiValue = character.codeUnitAt(0); // Retrieving the ASCII value
  print("The ASCII value of '$character' is: $asciiValue");

In this example:

  • We declare a string character with a single character ‘A’.
  • We use character.codeUnitAt(0) to get the ASCII value of the first character (in this case, the only character) in the string.
  • The ASCII value is printed to the console.

Tips for Efficient Coding Practices

  • Check for String Length: Always ensure the string is not empty before calling codeUnitAt to avoid runtime errors.
  • Use ASCII for Comparisons: ASCII values can be useful for character comparisons, like checking if a character is uppercase or lowercase.
  • Handle Non-ASCII Characters Carefully: Remember that codeUnitAt returns UTF-16 code units, which might not always correspond to ASCII values for non-ASCII characters.
  • Use runes for Unicode Characters: If you are dealing with Unicode characters that are not represented in ASCII, consider using Dart’s runes for a more comprehensive approach.

Common Use Cases and Applications

Retrieving ASCII values in Dart is not just a theoretical exercise; it has practical applications in various programming scenarios. Understanding these use cases can help you apply this knowledge more effectively.

Practical Scenarios

  1. String Sorting and Manipulation: When sorting or manipulating strings, ASCII values can be used to determine the order or to transform characters (e.g., converting lowercase to uppercase).
  2. Data Validation: ASCII values are useful in validating user input, ensuring that characters fall within a certain range (e.g., checking for alphabetic characters).
  3. Simple Encryption Techniques: In basic cryptography, you might shift ASCII values of characters to create simple encoded messages.
  4. Communication Protocols: In network programming, ASCII values can be vital for interpreting and constructing communication protocols.

Examples Demonstrating These Use Cases

  • String Sorting Example:
List<String> sortStrings(List<String> strings) {
  strings.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
  return strings;

This function sorts a list of strings based on their ASCII values.

  • Data Validation Example:
bool isAlphabetic(String input) {
  return input.runes.every((r) => (r >= 65 && r <= 90) || (r >= 97 && r <= 122));
  • This function checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters by comparing ASCII values.

Identifying and Resolving Common Errors

  • String Index Out of Range: This occurs when you try to access a character index that doesn’t exist. Always check the string’s length before using codeUnitAt.
  • Non-ASCII Characters: When working with non-ASCII characters, codeUnitAt might not give the expected result. Use runes for Unicode characters.

FAQs Related to ASCII Value Retrieval in Dart

  • Q: What if codeUnitAt returns a value greater than 127?
    • A: This means the character is not a standard ASCII character. Dart strings are UTF-16 encoded, so characters outside the ASCII range will have higher values.
  • Q: Can I convert ASCII values back to characters?
    • A: Yes, you can use the String.fromCharCode method to convert an ASCII value back to a character.


Retrieving and working with ASCII values in Dart is a fundamental skill that applies to various practical scenarios, from string manipulation to basic encryption.

Understanding the nuances of ASCII value retrieval and the common issues associated with it can significantly enhance your programming capabilities in Dart.

I encourage you to explore further and experiment with ASCII values in your Dart projects, discovering new ways to apply this knowledge in real-world situations.

Hussain Humdani

Hussain Humdani

while ( ! ( succeed = try() ) );