How to Check the File Size in Dart

In the world of software development, especially in applications built with Dart, managing file sizes efficiently is crucial.

Dart, a language optimized for building mobile, desktop, and web applications, offers robust file handling capabilities.

Understanding how to check and manage file sizes is essential for several reasons:

  1. Performance Optimization: Large file sizes can slow down app performance, leading to a subpar user experience.
  2. Resource Management: Efficient file size management helps in optimizing the application’s storage and memory usage.
  3. Network Efficiency: For applications that involve file uploads or downloads, knowing file sizes is key to estimating network bandwidth requirements and time.

In this guide, we will dive into the practical aspects of file size management in Dart, focusing on how to effectively check and handle file sizes, ensuring your Dart applications are optimized, responsive, and resource-efficient.

Section 1: Basic Concepts of File Handling in Dart

Overview of Dart’s File System Capabilities

Dart, as part of its core libraries, includes comprehensive support for file system operations. These capabilities are critical for applications that need to store, retrieve, or manipulate files. Whether it’s a local database file, a configuration file, or user-generated content, Dart provides a seamless way to handle these files.

Key features include:

  • Reading and writing files.
  • Checking file properties, including size.
  • File manipulation such as copying, moving, and deleting.

Introduction to the File Class in Dart

At the heart of Dart’s file system operations is the File class, part of the dart:io library. This class is the gateway to individual file operations. Here’s a quick introduction:

  • Creating a File Instance: To work with any file, you first create an instance of the File class.
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  var myFile = File('path/to/your/file.txt');
  // Now 'myFile' can be used to perform various file operations.
  • Basic File Operations: The File class provides methods for common operations like reading from and writing to files. These operations can be performed synchronously or asynchronously, catering to the needs of your application.
  • Checking File Properties: One of the key properties you can check with the File class is the file size. This is done using methods like lengthSync() for synchronous operations or length() for asynchronous ones.

Section 2: Accessing and Reading Files in Dart

In Dart, accessing and reading files is a straightforward process, but understanding the best methods for these tasks, especially when it comes to size checking, is key to efficient file management.

Methods to Access Files in Dart for Size Checking

When you’re working with files in Dart, the first step is always accessing the file. Dart provides several ways to do this, but the most common approach is to use the File class from the dart:io library. Here’s how you can access a file:

Import the dart:io Library: This library contains the necessary classes for file operations.

import 'dart:io';

Create an Instance of the File Class: Specify the path to your file when creating the File object.

var myFile = File('path/to/your/file.txt');

Check if the File Exists: Before performing any operation, it’s good practice to check if the file actually exists.

if (await myFile.exists()) {
  // Proceed with further operations.
} else {
  print('File does not exist.');

Reading Basic File Properties

Once you have accessed the file, you can read its basic properties, such as size. Dart allows you to do this in both synchronous and asynchronous manners.

  • Synchronous File Size Checking: Use lengthSync() method. It’s straightforward but can block your application’s main thread if the file is large.
try {
  var fileSize = myFile.lengthSync();
  print('File size: $fileSize bytes');
} catch (e) {
  print('Error: $e');

Asynchronous File Size Checking: Use length() method. It’s non-blocking and better for larger files or in a UI-driven application.

myFile.length().then((size) {
  print('File size: $size bytes');
}).catchError((error) {
  print('Error: $error');

In these examples, lengthSync() and length() are used to determine the size of the file. The choice between synchronous and asynchronous methods depends on the context of your application. For UI-driven or large file operations, asynchronous methods are generally preferred to avoid freezing the UI or the application.

Section 3: Calculating File Size

In Dart, calculating the size of a file is a common task that can be accomplished using the File class methods. Understanding how to accurately retrieve file size is crucial for a variety of applications, from managing user-uploaded content to optimizing data storage. We’ll look at both synchronous and asynchronous approaches to achieve this.

Using lengthSync() Method

The lengthSync() method is a synchronous operation that returns the size of the file in bytes. It’s part of the File class in Dart’s dart:io library. Here’s how to use it:

Import the Library and Access the File:

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  var myFile = File('path/to/your/file.txt');
  // Continue to file size calculation.

Calculate File Size Synchronously:

try {
  var fileSize = myFile.lengthSync();
  print('File size: $fileSize bytes');
} catch (e) {
  print('Error occurred: $e');

In this code, lengthSync() is used to get the file size synchronously. This method is suitable for smaller files or when the application can afford to wait for the operation to complete without affecting the user experience.

Asynchronous Approach with length()

For larger files or in applications where maintaining responsiveness is critical, the asynchronous length() method is a better choice. It retrieves the file size without blocking the main thread:

Asynchronous File Size Calculation:

void main() async {
  var myFile = File('path/to/your/file.txt');

  try {
    var fileSize = await myFile.length();
    print('File size: $fileSize bytes');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error occurred: $e');

In this example, await is used in conjunction with length(). This approach ensures that the application remains responsive, especially crucial in user interface scenarios or when dealing with large files.

Best Practices

  • Choose the Right Method: Use lengthSync() for small files or where the application can tolerate blocking. Use length() in scenarios involving large files or when application responsiveness is a priority.
  • Error Handling: Always implement error handling to manage exceptions that might occur during file operations.
  • Check File Existence: Before attempting to get the file size, ensure the file exists to avoid exceptions.

Section 4: Practical Use Cases

File size checking in Dart is not just a technical requirement; it plays a crucial role in various real-world scenarios, particularly in mobile and web applications. Understanding these contexts helps in appreciating the importance of accurate and efficient file size management. Here are some practical use cases:

1. Mobile Applications: Managing User-Generated Content

  • Scenario: In a mobile application where users can upload images or videos, checking file sizes is essential.
  • Importance: It ensures that the files are within the acceptable size limits to avoid overuse of device storage and to maintain efficient data transmission.
  • Implementation: Use length() method to check file sizes before upload. If a file is too large, prompt the user to either compress the file or choose a smaller file.

2. Web Applications: File Upload and Download Limits

  • Scenario: Web applications often have restrictions on the size of files users can upload or download.
  • Importance: This is crucial for bandwidth management and server load handling, especially for services with high user traffic.
  • Implementation: Implement asynchronous file size checks before any upload or download process. This ensures the application remains responsive and adheres to size limits.

3. Data Analysis Tools: Processing Large Datasets

  • Scenario: Applications designed for data analysis may need to handle large datasets, often in the form of files.
  • Importance: Checking file sizes before processing can help estimate processing time and resource allocation.
  • Implementation: Use length() to ascertain file sizes and inform users about potential processing time. Consider options for data chunking if files are excessively large.

4. Offline Storage Management in Mobile Apps

  • Scenario: Mobile applications that allow offline access to content (like e-books, videos, etc.) need to manage local storage effectively.
  • Importance: Keeping track of file sizes helps in preventing the app from consuming excessive device storage.
  • Implementation: Regularly check the size of cached or downloaded files. Provide users with information about storage usage and options to clear cached data.

5. File Synchronization Services

  • Scenario: In applications that offer file synchronization between devices, such as cloud storage apps.
  • Importance: File size checking is essential for managing synchronization tasks efficiently and for providing users with accurate progress updates.
  • Implementation: Use file size data to calculate synchronization progress and to manage bandwidth usage, especially when under constraints of metered networks.

Section 5: Handling Large Files

Dealing with large files in Dart applications requires careful planning and implementation to ensure efficiency and to avoid performance bottlenecks. Here are strategies and tips for handling large files effectively:

Strategies for Efficient Large File Handling

Asynchronous Operations: Always use asynchronous methods (length(), readAsBytes(), etc.) when dealing with large files. This prevents blocking the main thread, ensuring that the user interface remains responsive.

Chunked Reading and Writing: Instead of reading or writing large files all at once, process them in smaller chunks. This approach reduces memory usage and prevents your application from becoming unresponsive.

var file = File('path/to/large/file.txt');
var sink = file.openWrite();
// Write to the file in chunks
for (var chunk in chunks) {
await sink.close();

Stream API for Large Files: Dart’s Stream API is ideal for handling large files. It allows you to read or write data in a non-blocking way, piece by piece.

var file = File('path/to/large/file.txt');
Stream<List<int>> inputStream = file.openRead();
    .transform(utf8.decoder)       // Decode bytes to UTF-8.
    .transform(LineSplitter())     // Convert stream to individual lines.
    .listen((String line) {        // Process results.
        print('$line: ${line.length} bytes');
    onDone: () { print('File is now closed.'); },
    onError: (e) { print(e.toString()); });

Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Performance Bottlenecks

  1. Avoid Loading Entire File into Memory: For operations like size checking or data reading, avoid methods that load the entire file into memory, especially for large files. Use streaming and chunking techniques instead.
  2. Proper Error Handling: Implement comprehensive error handling, especially for file I/O operations. This includes handling exceptions for file not found, permissions issues, and read/write errors.
  3. Memory Management: Be mindful of the memory footprint of your application. Large files can quickly consume a lot of memory if not handled properly.
  4. User Feedback for Long Operations: Provide feedback to users for operations that take a significant amount of time, like uploading or downloading large files. Progress indicators or status messages improve user experience.
  5. Test with Different File Sizes: During the development phase, test your application with a range of file sizes to understand how your application behaves under different scenarios.
  6. Use Efficient Data Structures: When processing large files, choose data structures that are memory efficient and suitable for the type of operation you’re performing.

Section 6: Best Practices and Optimization

When it comes to file size checking in Dart, adhering to best practices not only ensures accuracy and efficiency but also contributes to the overall maintainability and quality of your code. Here are key practices and optimization tips:

Best Practices for File Size Checking

Use the Right File Size Method: Choose lengthSync() for smaller files or when the blocking operation is acceptable. Opt for length() in scenarios involving larger files or when maintaining UI responsiveness is crucial.

Validate File Existence: Always check if the file exists before attempting any size-related operations to avoid runtime errors.

if (await file.exists()) {
  // Proceed with size checking
} else {
  // Handle the case where the file does not exist

Handle Exceptions Gracefully: Implement try-catch blocks around file operations to handle exceptions such as file not found, access permissions, etc.

try {
  var fileSize = await file.length();
  // Process file size
} catch (e) {
  // Handle the error
  1. Opt for Asynchronous Operations: In UI-driven applications, prefer asynchronous operations to avoid freezing the user interface, especially with large files or operations that might take time.
  2. Use Relative Paths Wisely: When specifying file paths, consider using relative paths for better portability of your code.

Tips for Writing Clean, Maintainable Code

  1. Modularize File Operations: Encapsulate file operations within functions or classes. This makes your code reusable and easier to maintain.
  2. Document Your Code: Comment your code, especially in parts where file operations are complex or not straightforward.
  3. Follow Dart Style Guide: Adhere to the Dart style guide for consistency and readability.
  4. Test Your Code: Write tests for your file operations to ensure they work as expected under different scenarios.
  5. Stay Updated with Dart Releases: Keep your Dart knowledge up-to-date, as new releases might offer more efficient ways to handle files.


In summary, managing file sizes efficiently in Dart is crucial for optimizing application performance, ensuring efficient resource use, and enhancing the user experience. By following the best practices for file size checking, such as choosing the appropriate methods, handling exceptions, and maintaining code readability, you can build robust Dart applications. Remember to consider the context of your application when choosing synchronous or asynchronous approaches, and always test your implementations under various conditions.

I encourage you to integrate these practices into your Dart applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these techniques will help you manage file sizes more effectively, leading to more reliable and performant applications. Embrace these practices, and you’ll see a notable improvement in how your applications handle file operations.

Hussain Humdani

Hussain Humdani

while ( ! ( succeed = try() ) );